Homemade Fun
During summer months...
parents want to maintain their children’s academics skills but find a steady diet of camps and specialized programs expensive. Learning fun and enriching family times do not have to have a high price tag. They may however require planning and a parent’s renewed commitment to play! From language arts to math, the fun begins at home!
Enhanced Screen Time
Summer break is here...
Parental perspectives of these weeks that lack a static school-centered routine range from anticipation of unhurried family times to dread of the plaintive plea, “I’m bored!” Family vacations, Vacation Bible Schools and a variety of camps provide units of time which not only fill calendars but also...
The Dilemma of Summer Birthdays​
Summer birthdays provide fun options for party celebrations but prove challenging when considering the best time to start kindergarten. Some children miss school cut-off dates by days. Their parents ask, “With another year in preschool and being the oldest in class, will my bright child be bored?” Families with children who just...
A Parent's Backpack:
Supplies for a Successful School Year
With the start of school, parents receive notices of open house, orientation days, bus routes and student supply lists. What is missing, but could serve as a helpful checklist, is an inventory of items detailing those supplies necessary to equip parents to swerve as effective partners in their children's learning adventure.
Beyond the A,B,C's:
What Kindergarteners Need
With the start of Kindergarten parents focus on their student knowing the alphabet, reading simple texts and counting to 100. Teachers, however, use the first weeks of school to focus on very different, but vital skill sets. In addition to getting to know each child’s academic abilities, teachers work to establish daily routines...
Seven Habits
For Healthy Brains
Just as there are 7 habits for highly effective people, there are 7 habits, for developing effective brains! Each habit grows, stimulates and connects the brain’s neurons to one another. As the neurons connect, memory and learning happen. Healthy brains need breakfast. Your brain is the only...
Teachable Moments:
On the Go
Most parents try to eliminate disappointment in their child’s life. From cutesy Band-Aids to all out-rescue attempts, parents often seek to avoid anything unpleasant impacting their little one. Failure is a fruitful component of learning. Disappointments provide times to refresh perspectives...
Holiday Ideas
Talented and Gifted Studented
About this time of year (following the Thanksgiving break) parents ask me for gift ideas which will broaden and illumine their child’s academic horizons. With a Letterman type top ten, I usually provide ideas from favorite children’s authors and suggestions from unique, lesser known children’s catalogues.